
Sunday 27 November 2016

TWK shares statistics about Endangered Animals

Claudia shares her statistics about the Olympics

Jemma shares statistics about Hockey

The Bike - By Caleb

The Bike

3,2,1 GO The bikes speed of as fast as a cheetah. All the bikes are trying to pass people trying to get the lead.

The wheels are spinning like a speeding car and the wheels are as thin as a biscuit. The seat he is sitting on is as high as a giraffe. The black frame is as hard as a big rock. The chain is as loud as a lions roar when it ticks around.

The handlebars are as straight as a ruled line. The yellow line around the wheel is as yellow as a bee. The biker is thinking about a medal speeding to the finish line. He has crossed the line, and he won a gold medal at the olympics.

By Caleb

The Opening Ceremony. Written by Claudia

Bang,Bang,Bang as a firework Sparkles up in the sky like sprinkles on a cupcake.The sky looked like the colour black.As the fireworks lit up it looked like a colourful rainbow.

The stadium was as round is an orange. The dancers danced until they fell asleep. The lights were as bright as the sun. When the bright lights came on we could see each and every flag.

In the stadium there were a lot of people. Did you know there are over 11000 competitors in the Olympics this year?

By Claudia